Sunday, April 27, 2014

telephone niche

So today was one of those days. I was a little frustrated. I was assigned to trash duty in the back yard...why trash duty? Leo cut the front yard last week. But since no one sees the backyard and we have so many other things to do, we put off the back yard. But the time has come. So, my dad sent me to the backyard to pick up trash. We don't want Leo to cut himself while cutting the yard--a trip to the emergency room is not what we want right now!

But, this is a time where I really wish I possessed more valuable skills...such as drywall mudding. Never thought I would say that.

So trash hunting I went. I found old wooden shingles, asphalt shingles, little green BB gun pellets, nails, bolts longer than a foot in length, more nails, more little green pellets, triangular pieces of gutter material, broken beer glass, and these big metal pieces which I still have no clue what they are. But there were at least 10 randomly stuck in the dirt. That would have hurt. So I guess it was an important job. But I wasn't so convinced when I picked up an old Big K Cola can and brown gook came spilling out. That smelled like death. Then I was pretty much done. So I looked for about 5 more minutes and then called it quits, went inside, and asked for another job.

I was assigned to trim the bedrooms with the oil-based primer. Finally, a job that actually felt like I was contributing to progress! I was about 5 minutes into it and my hand was killing me and the paint looked awful. I called my Dad in to look (probably the 10th time I called for him in 5 minutes. Poor guy) and he decided it was too humid and the paint was too thick. So I stopped that job. He then reassigned me to organizing his tools. Oh, the glamour.

But I did it. I started organizing the nail boxes, screwdrivers, drywall tapes, duct tape, rope--a sundry of things. I was on my probably 20th trip down the stairs and my Dad stopped and asked me, you want to do something else for me?? I was a little wary, not going to lie! It hadn't turned out so great for me as of yet. But he asked if I wanted to try to crack open the little box underneath the old telephone niche that had been painted shut.

Are you kidding me? I had been begging to do this for weeks. It may not seem like much to you all, especially if you aren't an old house fanatic, but curiosity had been killing me. What would I find in there? What have people been sticking in there the last few decades? I needed to know. I also needed to know how the contraption worked. My engineer friend would be proud of me, I'd like to think :)

So I grabbed a paint scraper. And I scraped. I finished scraping but it still wouldn't come open. Then I realized the top underneath part had been caulked. And I had jammed the caulking in between the frame and the front, in my attempt to try to get to it quickly. So then I walked around for a few minutes trying to find a tool to pull it out. I settled on a flat-head screw driver. My Dad didn't think it would work. It did. My little victory for the day :)

Anyway, we finally popped it open and I was so excited. Like many things in the real world, it didn't quite live up to fact it was a little gross. I don't know what I was expecting though. Maybe a date? Someone's name? A few thousand dollars to help with the reno costs? If only!

So when I said it was a little gross, I meant a little. It wasn't bad. But if dirty q-tips really bother you, I warned you! Mostly it was candy bar wrappers and kids things---a little toy, a crayon, some tiny scissors. There was a pretty old coupon for cereal and I was interested to see the expiration date. Of course the one time in my life I wanted to see an expiration date, it said in all caps "NO EXPIRATION DATE"! My friend Teresa suggested I take it to Kroger and buy some Coco Puffs and try to use the coupon. I'll get back to you all on that one :)

Then there was the old parts and the sign from the company that I suppose installed the phone. Not super exciting but kind of neat!

Right now I'm trying to decide what to put in it. I've heard sometimes they had lights in them so at night you could see to reach the phone. I think that would be neat and a decent night light! Any one heard of something different? 


Saturday, April 26, 2014

yard work 2

Wow! I didn't realize how long it has been since I updated the blog! We have done a lot of yard work.We did the new landscaping, and its almost done. Like I said in the previous post about yard work, we first cleared everything out. Then we tried to kill as many weeds as possible. We got all of the plants from Watkins. The bushes seem tiny right now, especially against the porch, but they grow pretty fast. Plus sometimes when you are on a budget, you have to go with the cheaper choice :)

We also dug up a lot of the daffodils and tulips and replanted them along the front walk. No, it's not the normal time to replant bulbs, but I read some blogs online that said it was I figured we might as well give it a shot. It was either give it a try and hope they survive, or stick them in the garbage bag, where they obviously would have no chance at all!  Once they die off for the year, my plan is to get some summer flowers (petunias or something similar---cheap and hardy are the two key requirements). Here are some pictures:

Leo is in the process of burying the border pavers into the ground about halfway, so that they don't stick up as much and also that they are sturdy and not going anywhere. We then have to add the mulch.

I bought some weed killer last week to try to kill off the weeds (we have a slight weed issue--they're everywhere). It was Round-up to be exact. But I've never really been comfortable knowing all of the chemicals that is in it. So I went to Pinterest, as I do for so many things, and found a general consensus on a more natural weed killer that is quite effective. Some even said it was better than Round-up at killing their weeds. It is 1/2 gallon of apple cider vinegar, 1/4 cup of salt, and 1 tsp Dawn liquid dish soap. I might try it tomorrow or Monday...I will let you all know how it goes!


Monday, April 14, 2014

opening new doors

I am not going to lie. I was getting a little discouraged a couple weeks ago when we were surrounded by wallpaper, drywall mud, and tape...and I wasn't even the one taping and mudding everything (insert a million thank-yous to my Dad!) But now I can see it coming together.

I stopped by at the house today after work and took some pictures of the progress on the master bath/ensuite area. We are taking the small 5th bedroom next to the master bedroom (which used to be a kitchen when the house was an apartment) and converting it into a master closet/bath area. The closet will be walk-in, but more of a skinny "galley" style. I'm still very excited about having several feet of closet space! The other, larger side will be the bathroom. Then, the old entrance into the room from the hallway has been sealed, as well as the old entrance from the master into the old shared bathroom.

Some befores of this side of the master:

During, with the closet gone:

The new doors (please excuse the construction mess)!:

Door into the shared bath (there's another door that leads to the hallway from the bathroom):

 Now sealed!

Here is the before of the old bedroom. Yes, that is graffiti and "brick" vinyl flooring...

The door to the hallway is now gone, but we added two more!

 Old view into the master from the bathroom:

 And no more:

Taking the doors, frames, and trim out was a little nerve-racking for me. We are trying to save all that we can, because you can't find trim to match, without having it custom-made. That is not in our budget! But it went fine, we were able to save it all! For example, the doors that are now leading into the master bath/closet are the old doors from the bathroom and old closet, and my dad will eventually use the exact same trim and put it all back together.


Sunday, April 13, 2014

yard work!

Starting on Thursday, we tore out almost all of the landscaping in the front. We want a fresh start to do a landscaping of our own. Plus, a lot of the landscaping was haphazard, depending on what survived the last year or so without being cared for. We were concerned with how much we would end up spending to redo everything. However, the yard really needed it and I know that next year I'm not going to want to do a major re-haul two months before the wedding. So we talked about it, we went to Watkins to see what we could accomplish with our budget, and then we decided to go ahead and move forward with the project. Here is the before:

Granted, these pictures were a little while ago so they had a little more green on them, but they were pretty still scraggly, and there was a gap in the bushes on the right, which is what the close-up is of. We also took out the pavers that formed two squares, one on each side of the sidewalk. I wasn't crazy about them, plus it makes mowing a little more of a hassle. Lastly, it's just another thing to landscape which means more money!! So here are the afters:

So now everything is clear. Leo is going to spray the yard where we are going to plant with weed killer (they are everywhere!) and then we will hopefully start on planting this weekend! Also, we bought our first lawn mower for the house, which I really did not enjoy! It was so expensive for something so boring and basic. I could think of a million other ways I want to spend that money right now. Oh well, a welcome to home ownership I suppose! However, we do have some beautiful blooms coming up on the side of the house!

Soon (hopefully tomorrow!), I will do another post, which I am super excited about. We did a lot of work on the master bedroom this past week! Actually, I should say my Dad did a lot of work on the master this past week :) Leo and I did the work outside while my Dad worked mainly inside, though I did get a chance to help out a little bit Friday afternoon! I love how its turning out so far, even in it's rough form!


Monday, April 7, 2014

master closet

So while I was gone to Louisville/Bowling Green, my Dad and Leo took out one of the closets from the master bedroom. We did this to give some space back to the bedroom, because we are going to use the bedroom next door to create a master bath/closet area. There will be a door here instead leading into the new closet. So here is the before:

There  are two closets that match on either side of the room. The previous owners also added some type of shelving system onto the closet that tore down. We took that off a few weeks ago. We aren't going to take the closet out on the right because there is actually a brick chimney there, through which the furnace is vented. So we are going to go ahead and keep that. The closet on the left we were pretty sure wasn't original, and we were right. Thank goodness, because if not, the flooring would have been missing. So here it is with the trim taken off:

Then they took off the drywall and you can see the studs (another sign its not original-the wood is newer).

Here is a picture of the room with everything gone. I think it adds more space than I thought it would!

I got an unclose shot of the floor. You can see where the studs were, and where they used caulking and got it on the floor. It wasn't that bad, and hopefully it will sand out. We just keep saying "That will add to the character!!! :) As you can see, you can now see into the other room from a small opening.

On the other side, they took down the drywall. We will be cutting two doorways into this wall (one for the closet and another leading into the master bath). Then, we will close up the door leading into the hallway.

My Dad has almost finished mudding and taping everything upstairs. I think he is going after work to finish it tomorrow. Then this coming weekend, we will cut the doors out.

Leo and I also started working on taking out the landscaping out front. While it isn't awful, we want a new start. It seems that random plants have survived the past year and a half without being cared for, so it is quite mismatched everywhere. We have beautiful bulbs, but random. It seems that one bush has died on one side, leaving a small gap. 

We went today to price the shrubs and other plants that we want, and although it was freezing, windy, and raining, we nailed down a nice, neat, and simple plan for the "new" front yard. Our goal budget is $500 and I think we are actually going to get it done! That is if I can control my impulse to buy all of the pretty flowers that we saw at Watkins Nursery. I was like, "Oh, peonies! I want that weeping cherry tree! And the hydrangeas! Oh, look at those azaleas! Oh, there are the roses! I want a rose garden in the back yard!" Leo was actually quite patient with all of it, and I'm grateful for that! It is all so pretty. Unfortunately, not in the budget. Maybe in a couple of years!
